Wow, has this summer simultaneously flown by while also dragging somehow. For me, personally, anyway. And sometimes I wish we had a podcast every day so I could tell you about how my new hormone prescription did disappear my hot flashes but it’s making me cranky as fudge & I’m eating a lot of Snack Pack puddings. I want to talk to you at length about my feelings about Bennifer. I tried to sum it all up in an Instagram post, but it just isn’t the same. We also had some dog drama in our house, because like all of us, the girls are getting old. 91 in dog years now! One of them gave us a really big scare, so one reckless drive to the pet ER, one doggie crash cart deployed and $1500 later, she seems okay for now, knock wood?
Anyhoozle, when our friend Chelsea Devantez was on the pod a while back, she & I said we were gonna do a book club meeting for her great memoir, “I Shouldn’t Be Telling You This (But I’m Going to Anyway)” & we asked you to save the date of Sunday, 8/25! Well, we have firmly booked it now for Sunday 8/25 at 11AM Pacific. We hope you can join us. If you’re interested in attending, comment below & I will send you an invite via email. (I think. Hopefully! I’ll get it to you somehow, I promise.) It’s gonna be a Zoom so the room will be limited size but I feel like we’ll be able to welcome everyone who wants to be there so they can talk to Chels!
If you can’t attend, but still want to ask Chelsea a question about her book, post your question below & I promise to ask for you.
Chelsea’s also gonna be talking to RuPaul about her book because it’s Ru’s September Book of the Month pick, which is VERY exciting, but please let’s remember that I got her to agree to talk to us first. ;)
Also how AMAZING is it for Chelsea that RuPaul loves her book? I gasped when I saw that.
Omg yes I want to come! Loved the book! Thank you!
Also can we have a peri/‘menopausal chat too at some point???