Ok. I give up. I got to show my ignorance. But in the last few episodes of this podcast there is a lot of discussion about bottle brush trees. This is the first I've heard of bottle brush trees. Grew up in northern New Mexico. We decorated with red chile ristras and farolitos but our Christmas holidays were bottle brush tree free. Tried to google them but all I can find are places to buy bottle brush trees but I can't find any actual information on their history. Please don't overwhelm me but if anyone could point me to a "bottle brush trees history for dummies" site I'd appreciate it. Thanks!

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I love BFF Michelle content. Their friendship is just SO pure and fun. Plus as a Dawson fan, I get such a rush of nostalgia.

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I just wanted to pop on real quick and say thank you. After two 1/2 years, the COVS finally got me. I have been so tired that I don't even have the energy to watch TV or a movie. But having the podcasts to catch up on have been so lovely. So thank you. I'm on the mend now, but it was a rough week.

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The Balenciaga issue is concerning to me because the far right and QAnoners use this issue to push forth their real bonkers agenda. This is why this made such news. It was a tasteless ad campaign. And the fashion industry is incredibly terrible and does prey on young people, but when Tucker Carlson is bringing this up on his show, then I have to take a step back and ask what is really going on? They take the idea of “saving the children” and escalating to full satanic panic. I know I must seem like a stick in the mud, or like _I’m_ the conspiracy theorist, but it’s not a conspiracy, it’s all right out there, not connecting dots. redpilling is real, and it can happen fast.

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Dec 5, 2022Liked by Caissie St.Onge

Caissie, I just wanted you to know that if I touch my artificial Christmas tree too much, my hands get itchy and red too. So if you set up your Christmas tree AND handled a lot of dog fur that could be a lot of irritation your hands were dealing with. My hands have always hated artificial trees and I’m not really sure why. When I was a kid we had this giant tree that each individual branch had to be fluffed and placed onto the tree and my hands would HURT after helping my family do it. Of course my mom wouldn’t let me not help... she just gave me gloves to wear.

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Dec 6, 2022Liked by Caissie St.Onge

Mine does that to me and it’s because it’s stabbing me a million teeny tiny stabs the whole time I’m fluffing it. I’m wearing gloves this year.

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Dec 4, 2022Liked by Caissie St.Onge

Well, I did it. I joined the Busy Philipps Fall Down the Front Steps Club. Now I didn't fall from the very top of the steps, just from the second one from the bottom. I was putting the front walk flower pots away for the winter and decided to just back down the steps and since I was wearing slippers instead of the correct shoes, I slipped and turned and down I went. I'm ok. Broke a ceramic pot which will be a pain to replace but the worst of it is between the spinning and falling and the ill chosen slippers I ended up with something similar to turf toe in my right big toe. Over the years I've made fun of a lot of football players who were held out of games due to turf toe (especially because on the injury list their injury is just listed as "toe") but now after experiencing something similar, I feel I need to apologize to them. But it's getting better. And bottom line I didn't break anything like say a hip. The most embarrassing part is in addition to my regular assignments, I used to do the safety training for my old work group and so I do know better. Sheesh!

This was a week of marvel. I marveled that it's less expensive for four people to rent Taylor Swift's New York house for a month than to get tickets for one of her concerts. I was also excited. I attended New Mexico State University. (FYI-great engineering school located in southern New. Mexico) Our football team this year started 0-4. But we ended strong and ended up with a record of 6-6. This means for the fifth time since 1931 our team can play in a post season bowl game. What's extremely exciting is in the previous 3 seasons combined their record was 5-22, so winning 6 games this season is quite an improvement.

I know this may not be interesting to a lot of you, but to me whether they win or lose, this is the equivalent of scoring Taylor Swift tickets at face value. Front row tickets. Not going to lie, however. If they win their bowl game it will be like getting to the concert and being handed an all access pass. Go Aggies!

Can't comment on The Crown. I did enjoy the first season, but then Netflix pissed me off for some reason so I cancelled my membership and haven't missed it enough to sign back up yet. I will note that Prime Video is showing the PBS series "Victoria" about the Queen Victoria and starring Jenna Coleman and it's pretty good.

Take care everyone. Keep doing your best. Please remember as you go out and about to do holiday related stuff to take a second and say thanks to the people who help you. We all need to remember that being kind doesn't cost anything and a little can go a long way.

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HERMAN! Glad you survived that terrible fall!

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Dec 1, 2022Liked by Caissie St.Onge

I think you all deserved a longer “told you so” moment about bravely telling/predicting the truth about crypto. You stuck your necks out being critical of what could happen and who would be exploited. You were exactly right. So often, you two see the big picture and take the harder road telling the truth.

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Dec 1, 2022Liked by Caissie St.Onge

Love this episode as always. I hadn’t heard anything about the Balenciaga ads and related Kim Kardashian controversy. A couple google searches found not only many New York Post articles about it but also at least one of the ad photos, so … gross. At any rate I just wanted to let you know that unlike what Busy stated in the episode, these photos have not been scrubbed from the internet. I found this one in seconds and so will child sex abusers everywhere. What more can I do to advocate on this topic? So outrageous. Thanks for addressing this!

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Dec 1, 2022Liked by Caissie St.Onge

Laughing while listening to Caissie’s MetroNorth story as I’m exiting my crowded MetroNorth train at Grand Central...

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Dec 1, 2022Liked by Caissie St.Onge

Thoughts: repot when roots are showing. Base layer soil in new pot, lift old plant soil bundle into new pot, fill in remaining space with soil and water.

Balenciaga 🤮😡

Howard Stern 🙄😠🥱 he’s so tired and irrelevant in my opinion. His YEARS of despicable treatment of women is just too much. Retire with your pile of money and go away.

I love when Busy is Michelle’s date, so sweet.

Caissie and Busy so insightful as always, trying to get into the brains of a predator. That’s how I think for sure.

Love to you guys! 💕

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Dec 1, 2022Liked by Caissie St.Onge

I loved this episode! Ladies, you’re the greatest!

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Dec 1, 2022Liked by Caissie St.Onge

Listening now and just got to the plant question. Roots showing is a sign you need to repot it for sure. I was just asking my mom about this because she’s a real plant bitch and I’m trying to become as good as her. When I’ve repotted plants before I’ve bought a bag of potting soil and a bigger pot, put some soil at the bottom and used a little hand shovel to scoop the plant and it’s roots out and put to the new pot and fill it up with more soil and then water it.

Plant tik tok might have better advice than this, but idk because tik tok is overwhelming to me lol.

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Nov 30, 2022Liked by Caissie St.Onge

I absolutely think The Crown makes Charles sympathetic! I tell everyone that I like him now, ha! And I would be a Camilla too. I haven't listened much past this part, but had to jump on!

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Nov 30, 2022Liked by Caissie St.Onge

Died laughing when Busy thought you meant Chip & Dale LMAO

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Nov 30, 2022Liked by Caissie St.Onge

Okay I haven't listened yet but I googled to see what Howard Stern said and I just want to say that maybe he (of all people, or at least many people) should not commenting like that. Or at all, maybe? I think I was 15 when 94 WYSP (in Philadelphia) started broadcasting his show and I decided he was kind of not funny. So yeah...

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Ok and so I’ve been playing frisbee in the snow with my dog all morning and I’m laughing so hard at Cassie going “ This whole time we could have been in Fashion Law? “ and I had to scream out loud to my husband about The Fashion Police have been Defunded! You guys!!

Funnest most important episode ever

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Nov 30, 2022Liked by Caissie St.Onge

I’m alwaaaays saying where the F is the male Busy???

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Nov 30, 2022Liked by Caissie St.Onge

I'm just at the first ad break but really appreciated the Crown talk! Anyone else having a hard time getting into season 5? Am I disconnected because I know very well where the Dodi/Diana story will end up?

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Dec 1, 2022Liked by Caissie St.Onge

My husband and I watch about 30 mins of TV a night and we decided to take a break from The Crown because it’s so disappointing this season. The casting is not good and the writing continually sidelines Elizabeth to showcase men. The Queen shows up to say something and leaves. Even Andrew Morton and Diana bicycle helper get more moments than Diana. There’s also too much attention to “doing” the characters’ mannerisms—Diana with the eyes is too much. Anyway, clearly I have opinions.

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Dec 1, 2022Liked by Caissie St.Onge

Up to 3rd episode and it’s boring and the closer it gets to present time the harder it is to watch. And Dominic West is wayyy to handsome to play Charles

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Dec 1, 2022Liked by Caissie St.Onge

I am having a hard even wanting to finish the first episode! I’m a real history bitch so this is not like me.

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Nov 30, 2022Liked by Caissie St.Onge

What deals have you all found? I never buy new clothes but picked up the J Crew tissue turtleneck and Lands End cashmere turtleneck sweater for an imminent trip to Italy oooh lala. Going for a Keaton look. Also who is buying Fend?? I don’t want to get sick so I may plunk down the $25. Poog loves it.

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PS. Caissie is doing an amazing job describing what an ACTUAL GROOMER does!

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Love you more!❤️🥰💕👍🏻 I am enjoying the pod while wrapping gifts. So glad we are talking about Balenciaga. So bad!

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