Thank you so much to Rabbi Sharon! What a balm she is! Also... for the record I ran a half marathon (Ann Arbor) and wore my medal the whole rest of the day (to brunch, napped in it, and then to dinner) AND THEN wore it on the plane home the next day. I mean whatever, I was going through the magnetometer anyway.

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Oct 19, 2022·edited Oct 19, 2022Liked by Caissie St.Onge

Caissie, planned obsolescence with phones is absolutely true. I remember an article coming out about phone companies purposely slowing down their phones when a new one came out around the time that I switched from an iPhone to a Google pixel. But the Google phone is no better. That's why you'll see me in particular moments of crazed frustration talking to my phone saying "I know that you are listening through the microphone for data analysis and advertising purposes. I am not interested in buying a new phone yet nor can I afford it. So please stop draining my battery."

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i’ve heard it called Forced obsolescence and that feels much more true to my experience!

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Caissie St.Onge

I finally listened to the episode, and this time I can't not comment! Your conversation with Rabbi Sharon was absolutely inspiring and uplifting!!

I feel like I need to give some background before I elaborate more. I'm from Israel (and obviously Jewish). I have family in the US and I also lived there for a couple of years when I was in high school. So I have ties and interest in what's happening over there, and also can relate to your political agenda and agree with alot of your ideologies as I feel we, here in Israel, struggle with a lot of the same problems with the takeover of extreme right, racist, somewhat fascist and here, also religious extremists and deeply corrupted politicians running for government.

As a secular Jew, I rarely listen to sermons by Rabbis (also because of the situation with politics and religion here, I won't get into it), but I was very curious to hear Rabbi Sharon and so glad I listened!! It is so refreshing to me, as an Israeli, to hear how she talks about Judaism and to be reminded of how beautiful our traditions are and what our religion can be.

Also, it was eye opening and heart breaking to hear how some American Jews (and I assume Jews in other countries) don't ever feel completely safe, and always have the fear of their world collapsing. My grandmother, who is 92, is a holocaust surviver and even though I know hers and her family's story and have extensive knowledge of our history in general, as a jew living in Israel I never felt this feeling, and I guess I always took it for granted, and I won't again.

A lot of what you said during your conversation resonated with me in regards to our relashionship with Israeli Palestinians and also Palestinians in Palestine territories. I firmly believe that all most people need is to just get to know their neigbour in order to find a friend where they thought was an enemy. I wish I had more opportunities to have meaningful meetings, and I was insired to be more proactive about that.

I wish the good people will win elections both in your midterms and in our elections for govenment (again) which takes place in 2 weeks!! But in any case, I'll keep on listening to your podcast and keep fighting the good fight :)

ps - I don't mind the list. I'm also fine with no list. Whatever works best for you

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Oct 19, 2022Liked by Caissie St.Onge

Hi! I just wanted to say thanks so much for sharing! I loved hearing your perspective - so cool we have this podcast and place to hear people’s stories from all over the world!! ❤️

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About halfway through the pod now & just wanted to chime in (in a long winded way) about Shabbat!

I am loving this episode & I don't mind y'all making a list of things to talk about (especially if it works for you)

So in 2020 when the world shut down, neither my husband (then fiancé) or I could afford to stop working. We aren't exactly "essential" workers but we both run businesses. I could do my work from home with little contact to my clients, but had to shop at grocery stores constantly (as a personal chef). He is in the construction industry, and so many of you may know that a lot of people decided to do some renovations etc. as a result of being home all the time... so he was busy. While I saw so many posts of people complaining that they were with their families all the time in 2020, it was really hard for us because we basically never saw one another except at night & he goes to bed early & I was waking up late.

So in early 2021 I decided that something had to change. I grew up as what I would define as a "Cultural" Jew. I am Jewish & identify as Jewish, but never really went to the Synagogue, didn't fast for the fasting holidays etc. We always felt that Jewish holidays were a time to gather & be with family, less about God & more about tradition & maybe a bit about faith. I had made challah maybe once or twice before in culinary school and after for fun, but one Friday I woke up and was like, "I'm going to make Challah & we are going to shut our phones off tonight!" So I did, and we did.

Obviously in early 2021 we still weren't vaccinated just yet & so having guests over was not an option. But almost every Friday we started cutting ourselves off from the outside world & I would make challah & dinner & we would sit at the table and talk (not about work or the troubles of the world) but just talk and be with each other. Sometimes we didn't feel like talking and so we would put on a movie (usually a comedy) still not using our phones (especially social media), and it was really refreshing. Since we both run our own businesses we can't really cut off from the world both Friday & Saturday, so we stuck with Friday nights.

Once friends and family started to get vaccinated, we would welcome a different couple or family unit into our home for Shabbat dinner each week. We felt like it was a great way to slowly re-socialize into the world without seeing everyone all at once... just 2-3 people at a time once a week. We requested that our guests also turn their phones off (unless they had a small child or pending emergency not present at the dinner) & each & every dinner has been so lovely, warm, and enjoyable.

We don't have kids (yet, separate conversation) but if we ever do we hope to continue this tradition with them, and if we don't we still plan to do it as much as we can. It is such a wonderful excellent practice of being present with the people you love & eating good food (and Challah, hello!). You don't have to say the prayers if you don't want to (I do most weeks, but my Hebrew is awful... never went to Hebrew school), but light a couple of candles & turn your phones off for a couple of hours if you can and just be with someone or some people you love for a while. I highly recommend it.

& Caissie, we always tell important people who *may* contact us during that time that our phones will be off for the evening, so hopefully any emergencies aren't dire. It hasn't been an issue yet :).

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Oct 17, 2022Liked by Caissie St.Onge

Please please please do the Free Stuff Fridays on here!

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Oct 17, 2022Liked by Caissie St.Onge

To list or not to list...I am always here for it, however you choose to share your conversations, Busy & Caissie! Thank you so much for Rabbi Sharon. Like some others, I had several teary moments and often struggle against complete despair in this version of our reality... the discussion discerning the difference between optimism and hope really shook me. Thank you, Rabbi Sharon for giving me a path to be hopeful despite the horror our world seems to be racing towards. Will be checking out IKAR.org to continue exploring. I really appreciate the thoughtful exploration of Anti-semitism , anti-black racism and confronting hate with love and kindness. I struggle with that concept. Thankful for this community. Thankful for the Pod. Thankful for Busy & Caissie making their pivot to connect us. And yes, Caissie, you are a fashion influencer! Loving it all! 💕💕💕💕

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I got chills and I cried and felt maybe a little bit hopeful about the world.

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Oct 16, 2022Liked by Caissie St.Onge

Each episode is perfect in its own artful way! I love a list. I enjoy the free flow … and the list! For me (same as a phone call with a friend) I love seeing where the conversation goes naturally… and then there are also things I want to make sure to say. Same applies here. Carry on! Allll love ❤️

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Oct 16, 2022Liked by Caissie St.Onge

The turkey is out!

I love an agenda, but freestyle is good sometimes too. So whatever you gals are feeling, I’m here for it!

I’m taking away this week: no matter what, I have to move forward with love and justice.

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Oct 16, 2022Liked by Caissie St.Onge

Wow I was completely blown away by this week’s episode!! Was Crying tears of hope listening while cooking for Shabbat on Friday. I’m a modern Orthodox Jew living in Skokie, IL and wow Rabbi Sharon was a phenomenal guest who spoke so well on Antisemitism.

I constantly live in a place of asking myself what my ancestors would want me to do...what rituals brought them joy, what words of Torah gave them hope but also what signs around them made them know when to flee for safety.

My husband and I waited 7 years to have babies. I had a lot of fear of bringing them into a world where they are hated but ultimately it was my ancestors determination to survive that gave me the courage to bring more jewish babies into the world. And when antisemitism got worse and a local synagogue in my neighborhood got firebombed we decided to try for a third baby. Because if my family in Germany was still having babies when Hitler rose to power I can have that same courage and faith.

I’m inspired by this idea of writing our next chapter and especially of joining forces with other communities. Our relatives who survived the Holocaust remind us to protect and love the other communities the Nazis wanted to wipe out which include the Romani people, trans and non-binary people specifically and LGBTQ+ community as a whole. If the Nazis wanted you dead, you are my family and I will fight alongside you for your survival. The biggest act of defiance against those who’s hate you is to LIVE!!!

So to Busy and Caissie I want to give you the biggest hug and say THANK YOU for this episode. It truly was an unexpected gift of hope and love at such a needed time.

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Oct 16, 2022Liked by Caissie St.Onge

My girlfriends and I make lists before getting together as well. We usually spend our whole time talking about other stuff then in the last bit of time we speed round through the lists to make sure we covered everything because mom brain is hard and sometimes you just need to say the thing out loud and move on to the next. So I really related to the format!

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Oct 16, 2022Liked by Caissie St.Onge

I was delighted to see that you guys were still able to get an episode out this week - thank you for always delivering! Also, I'd LOVE to see Shantira back as a guest sometime!

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Oct 16, 2022Liked by Caissie St.Onge

I truly enjoyed this episode so much! Thank you, Caissie & Busy! ❤️

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List or no list I’m happy as long as y’all are able to talk so we can listen.

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What’s the link/ info on giving circles? Thanks!

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Oct 15, 2022Liked by Caissie St.Onge

I loved this episode. Thank you for featuring such a smart female Rabbi!!! As a Jewish person living in a big city on the east coast, I have sometimes taken a too complacent attitude that Jews are thoroughly integrated into American society. But in recent years this facade has crumbled. Blatant anti-semitism is everywhere. Look at the Republican candidate for governor of Pennsylvania who openly associates with anti-Semitic trolls.

And the Rabbi is right - I always think about where I live, where I would hide, how I could escape. I never let my passport expire. And my grandfather escaped from Poland before WWII.

And I appreciate the explanation of the insidious intertwining of racisms. We have so much work to do!!! (And I donated to Busy’s giving circle!)❤️

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Oct 15, 2022Liked by Caissie St.Onge

Haven’t listened yet (I’m several episodes behind and have that trait that wants to listen to everything in order) but here to comment that I’m so excited that you interviewed Rabbi Sharon! I’m a member of Ikar and it’s a remarkable place and community.

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Oct 15, 2022Liked by Caissie St.Onge

1. I liked the list. I appreciate hearing what is important to you both and I can’t imagine the pressure of having a mic in front of you, trying to remember all the stuff you set aside for the pod.

2. It bothers me that people give hard critiques to a show that honors vulnerability. That’s my f’ing critique.

3. Caissie, the microdosing (should we call it microdots?) is so interesting. I am excited to hear about positive effects on your creative process.

4. I realized I’m a super fan when I laughed that Busy said “I have to go” and there were like 15 minutes left to the pod.

5. Just realized I made a list. So maybe I am biased about lists.

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It’s my favorite part when Busy “has to go” and the pod continues on....superfans unite!!

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Oct 15, 2022Liked by Caissie St.Onge

I love the list. No problems. I much prefer you to not forget anything you deemed interesting/fun/important during the past week. :)

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Oct 15, 2022Liked by Caissie St.Onge

Thought it was a great episode. It was nice having a list, but also appreciate that sometimes it’s nice to just go for it. Either way, truly appreciate you guys being there ever week and opening my eyes to various ways I can show up.

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Oct 15, 2022Liked by Caissie St.Onge

Truly enjoyed this episode, thank you ladies ❤️

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Oct 15, 2022Liked by Caissie St.Onge

I loved the Rabbi Sharon interview too. Gentle list feedback: I prefer without it. I think it did disrupt the flow a little. But I'll always listen, list or no list! (Though, to contradict myself, on a recent ep, Busy was going to tell us about Chicago and I think she forgot...maybe a running list of things y'all want to talk about at some point?). Thank you for being my favorite podcast.

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Oct 15, 2022Liked by Caissie St.Onge

I think it's great to have a list. My life is lists or I don't/won't remember anything :-)

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Oct 15, 2022Liked by Caissie St.Onge

non-religious Jewish listener here to say how very much i appreciated this episode. I was blown away by Rabbi Sharon so articulately explaining how anti-semitism connects with the larger white nationalist agenda. It’s been tough not having many non-Jewish allies speaking up recently about things like Ye’s blatant anti-Semitic threats.

between this and a recent episode of the Unladylike podcast that discussed the myth (yes myth!) of jewish noses and how our faces are used against us in all the ways, I’ve had so much to think about in regards to my jewish identity. how many of us here were offered (or got) nose jobs by sixteen years of age??

I’m culturally jewish, often joking that I’m Jew-ISH. I’ve already been unlearning so much of what I absorbed growing up a girl in the 80s/90s. Now I’m also in the process of realizing how being Jewish ties into all of the other issues around class/race/disability/body image etc that we Gen X’ers were brought up with that were just… wrong.

lastly, I’ve always appreciated Busy’s knowledge of jewish culture, like her fun use of Yiddish. I’m so glad that it was extended into this important conversation about anti-semitism. thank you ladies for being true allies ❤️

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Oct 15, 2022Liked by Caissie St.Onge

Yes! As a Jewish listener I was so happy to hear that Rabbi Sharon was the guest this week. The conversation moved me to tears several times and I only hope that it helped change someone’s mind about what it means to be Jewish in the US. The generational trauma is real.

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Oct 15, 2022Liked by Caissie St.Onge

I liked there being a list of things to discuss. Me and my friends who don’t see each other as often as we would like do this, otherwise we end up forgetting important things that require face to face discussion! Love you both, thanks for doing the podcast 💕

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