I just wanted to come back here and say HELL YEAH ARIZONA!!!!!

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This discussion was excellent. The points about people feeling ashamed and guilty and tying it to religious influence, wether affiliated or not, was spot on. I think part of progress is educate without condescension, because otherwise people won’t listen. And I’m not talking about the unruly asshole at Houston’s that Busy gave it to (so proud of her even though it was draining emotionally). I am talking about Grandma that says something and we say “people are asking to not be called that anymore, it’s offensive”. Or explaining gender fluidity in terms they can understand. I recently talked with a relative griping about pro-nouns this explanation: if you come across a man who prefers to be called Mr. Smith instead of his first name, you would do it even though you personally thought it’s easier and less formal to call him Bill. That is how he wants to be shown respect, so you do it.

Anyway, great pod, definitely checking out the movie, you guys are brilliant and amazing, cheers 💖

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Care Bear Stare! Going wide people!

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Listening to this week’s ep right now and I need to comment about my district, MD1. We had an amazing candidate in Heather Mizeur who our-raised our crap ass insurrectionist rep not once, but twice, and she still lost by a lot. It was super disappointing but like Caissie says: it takes time. She’s the only candidate who has even come close and I think she will run again. But our state, while coming out deep blue (let’s codify all the things!) and electing the third governor of color ever, the turn out was wicked low. I don’t know how we get folks out. I feel like we missed the point (and as I typed that Busy just literally said “missing the point).

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In regards to campaign money... I know it’s not possible... but I wish the candidates could use that money to support the community they serve. “Thank you so much campaign contributions! I used that money to buy all of the supplies our teachers desperately need/ built a tiny home community/ funded this harm reduction clinic for a year. Now imagine what I accomplish when elected!!!” I know that’s 1) unrealistic and 2) what a person can do widely varies based on position. But imagine those billions of dollars put into the community!

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We had an independent candidate in Maine who asked supporters to buy Maine products and leave a note to the seller to check out her campaign. She got about 7% of the vote. We have ranked choice and neither of the other candidates got to 50%, so they have to calculate the 2nd choice of the people who voted for her to determine the race.

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Wow! That’s incredible and a really smart campaign technique for anyone not in the big 2! I wonder how it will all shake out.

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Hopefully, the same way it did last time. Most who voted for her ranked the democrat second, so fingers crossed!

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Everyone looks so cute in these pictures. Muah!

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Nov 11, 2022Liked by Caissie St.Onge

I'm ready to knock in Georgia ❤️

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Nov 11, 2022Liked by Caissie St.Onge

Busy, good for you for giving the Houston's guy shit. I can hardly ever think of what I want to say when I need to say it, and even if I can, it's so difficult to work up the courage to actually say it and deal with whatever comes of it. I am in awe of people who can and do! You're awesome! 😁

P.S. Go AZ Dems!!!

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Nov 11, 2022Liked by Caissie St.Onge

I had so many, so many of what I thought weee one sided discussions with my trump loving maga mom and today, she told me that she voted for “some” democrats in Arizona. I take that as a win! We cannot give up. The more we fight for what is right, some people will change. We CAN undo years of what that republicans have done, we just have to keep talking and getting the correct message out there.

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