
I appreciate the conversation about sexuality. “Let people live their histories.” This is the first time I recognized it’s a lifelong journey to find what part of the spectrum I’m on and I’m grateful this convo happened. 🤗

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It took me a few days to decide whether to write this here or not, but I feel you guys will understand me when I say that I am completely devastated and horrified by the outcome of the elections here (Israel). It happened last Tuesday and I still cry everyday and feel completely at a loss about what I'm going to do, how we can fight to keep the elected ultra right, fascist, racist, corrupt, dark, violen, homophobic (I can keep on with descriptions) government from destroying my country.

That's it. This is all I wanted to say. Thanks for this safe space to unpack.

I hope you achieve better outcome on your elections. 💜

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Caissie I gotta say, this episode you are so wise and so insightful. Even more than usual! Your analogies of toothpaste and the blue/red schedule blocks of time, your comments on non-wealthy voters voting against their best interests… I needed your words in my brain this week. You are killing it, lady! Xx

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I'm going to take advantage of the 'discuss whatever you like' option to ask for some closet organization advice from our seasoned pro Caissie and anyone else who has experience with this: I've been wanting to switch from regular plastic hangers to the slim, non-slip type. Would you say the thin velvet ones are worth it? I've heard stories of them getting brittle over time and snapping, so I don't want to invest the $$ if they aren't going to hold up. What would you guys recommend?

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The interview Heidi did whilst laying on the ground in the worm costume was just perfection!

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I was very delighted in this episode when Caissie threw in a niche About a Boy reference.

Also I read The 30 Rock Book, very good. Very sad they did not use the quote Caissie mentioned on the pod.

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So excited that Girls5Eva will go to Netflix! I only subscribed to Peacock to watch it. Hope Busy and Caissie create a holiday gift list. In general, I trust their product recommendations. The Revlon hair dryer that Caissie recommended a while back was a game-changer. Didn’t know what GOTV meant either….but I’m definitely doing it!

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As usual, perfect accent to the week. This election has me so stressed out, keeping it together... barely... and I’m so glad we get to process with the both of you the day after.

I liked the worm, it was gross and also creative and I had a can’t look away type feeling. I am excited to finally watch Girl 5Eva on Netflix because I never did make Peacock happen, we are pretty maxed out on platforms. But, I did watch Freaks and Geeks with my daughter a couple weeks ago and remembered how great it was and how perfect Busy is in it.

As always, thanks for the Pod 💖

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I am so grateful that Girls 5 Eva is on Netflix. Finally we can talk about it with everyone. I looooooved season 2 and I was always wishing Busy knew how perfect it was. Now that we get season 3, I feel like she now gets it. It’s transcendent.

I feel also as strongly about voting rights and can I just say one thing? Republicans do not care, but I should have cared more. For all of the last 15 years.

I am ashamed that I wasted 2008-2020 feeling like Roe was settled, that Citizens United didn’t matter, that voting rights were safe, and that progress was inevitable and irreversible.

I was busy teaching yoga, coaching triathletes and perpetuating impossible beauty standards, while culturally appropriating Buddhist teachings and Tai Chi for my fun and profit.

Now it’s 2022 and my very family is in danger.

My trans kid nephew, my Jewish brother in law and his babies--my nieces and nephew, and most importantly my BIPOC grandson. My very favorite people in the world on the planet I love are all in jeopardy.

What was I doing with my boundless energy in my beautiful forties?

Showing off, holding space, being the change I wished to see in the world. Blah blah blah.

For what?????


The guns, Bibles and the basketed Deplorables are coming for us now.

My Bad.

I’m so ashamed. I’m so sorry. I’m so sad.

The only way I see a way forward is the content Busy and Caissie cover.

Thank you for listening

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Just realized Heidi’s arms are pinned under than worm outfit. I would freak out. It probably feels like wearing one of those Houdini magician shirts with your arms in locks where you can’t move. Shudder.

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Yes! How constricting!

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Listen, I'm not gonna lie: the worm creeps me out. But props to Heidi for doing this because while in praxis I'm not into it, in theory, it's brilliant: a woman who is known to be one of the most beautiful donning a worm costume. I'm here for it. Also, per influencer status, I realized the other day how many recent purchases have come from hearing about them on the pod: Wildgrain, the green machine, air doctor (we actually got two!), Olive & June, Foria, Jinjer oil (though the dropper cap doesn't stay on, so it might have evaporated). If this means I'm influenced, then I don't want to be... whatever the opposite of influenced is.

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oh! and I forgot: Kitsch!

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I was surprised Busy was not into the worm at first, so pleased she quickly got on board! I sent a closeup of worm face as a emoji every time I was trying to communicate my willingness to exit stage left from society r n!

So thrilled for the Netflix pick up! Also, the moment about thresholds before the brink and not knowing how to identify much less ask for support needs hitting home.

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Caissie “vague superheros” made me cackle! This is how I think of those costumes as well. They are adorable! I just usually don’t know what they are 🤣

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And if anyone else here is a Mariah Carey fan, I highly recommend her memoir on audiobook. Her story is fascinating and she writes about the meaning behind All I Want For Christas Is You. From what I remember it was sort of a sad and sweet meaning. And the best part about her reading the audiobook is she'll just start randomly singing! I didn't want it to end. Perfect for all your upcoming holiday travels.

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And it’s a great episode of Chelsea Devantez’s Celebrity Book Club podcast.

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Hey! I too didn't realize what GOTV meant. 🙋🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by Caissie St.Onge

Jumping in here while still listening to the pod to say I am so so happy season 3 is coming to Netflix!! Love love love

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by Caissie St.Onge

I loved Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, so happy to hear people talking about it even if they didn't love it like I did ☺️

Looking forward to the chance to finally see Girls5eva!

Thank you for doing the Google for us, forgot to look for Heidi's Halloween spectacular get up - always appreciate someone who gets into dressing up!

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I loved it too!

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Caissie St.Onge

Congratulations to Busy on the Girls5eva Netflix move! I was just going to drop that subscription but guess I’ll have to keep it now! Looking forward to watching all the episodes again. I am curious about what you think of your new car Cassie? I have an older escape and love it!

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Caissie St.Onge

Currently screaming "ST. ELSEWHERE" at my phone during the discussion about all the similar hospital and police shows on TV! 😂 St. Elsewhere is the show about a hospital that was on at the same time as Hill Street Blues, and I'm guessing that's that one that Barb Phillips loved.

(I'm still listening to the pod, so maybe you two figure this out later on?)

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Caissie St.Onge

I was also screaming "St. Elsewhere!!!"

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Caissie St.Onge

Great episode! I can’t wait to binge Girls5Eva! And Heidi’s costume is hilarious, but I also can’t look at it for very long. Hehe 🙃

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Caissie St.Onge

I agreed with the Heidi Klum sentiment- she goes all out BUT then I saw the underneath outfit and had to laugh. It was very sexy and revealing- she still kept the worm face though!

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