Apr 21, 2023Liked by Caissie St.Onge

I have so many thoughts about this episode, but can so related to Busy's feeling about the dentist, and specifically hygienists who have made me cry and tortured me with high-pitched tools. I have found a hygienist who is really great with me, and I think it's because she mostly works with children, and has a child with sensory issues, so totally gets it. Find someone like that! Also, Caissie, my heart is so with you as you go through the process of dealing with your mother's belongings. Moving my mother out of our family home after my (pack rat) father died, was incredibly challenging for my family, and we are a big family! But after she died 10 years later, it was again really difficult to deal with all the things. I wish I could go to Cape Cod to help you. (Also, if you are tossing any ashes off the whale-watching boat, be mindful of the wind direction. I speak from experience.)

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Apr 20, 2023Liked by Caissie St.Onge

Caissie, can you share a pic of the drawer pulls you are looking for? Going to a vintage furniture store this weekend and happy to keep an eye out for them. Maybe some other listeners will help hunt for them too.

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I will post one somewhere! On Instagram?

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Apr 20, 2023Liked by Caissie St.Onge

Phenomenal convo per usual! What a joy it is to listen and relate and then share here. Truly truly this project of yours is such a bolster to so many!

Caissie, sharing about your upcoming trip east... your mom’s celebration and also clearing her home... wow all of life’s joy and hard wrapped into one. I am a great home organizer and clearer... perhaps there is someone local that can help project manage with care and love? A calming caring presence that also has the logistics of the task in mind? So many are loving and supporting you from afar. I am!

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Apr 20, 2023Liked by Caissie St.Onge

Began listening on my way to work and will continue on my way home. Very nice to have y’all back in the car with me. Ended up listening to the bob Iger bio again.... which is a very good book in my opinion. Thank you ladies for making time for us and for each other. 💕🪴

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Apr 19, 2023Liked by Caissie St.Onge

OMG 😳 the gum talk really hit home! Sometimes I I feel like I brush a little too hard multiple times in a row and then I freak out. So I've started using this toothpaste: Sensodyne Sensitivity & Gum Whitening Toothpaste, Toothpaste for Sensitive Teeth & Gum Problems. It really works! It makes me feel like my gums are NOT crawling back into the top of my mouth. (I I know that sounds so weird but honestly that is what sometimes I feel like my gums are doing 😖) Spring is so busy and f

I feel like it is just a mad dash to the end of the school year. So though I missed my friends, I totally understood why the schedule didn't work to record. Love you guys! 💗💗

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Apr 19, 2023Liked by Caissie St.Onge

Cassie-- I’m not a doctor (shout out to Steve Agee) but a while ago I had to get eye drops for pink eye (which probably wasn’t pink eye, because every Xmas I had some eye thing that turned out to be some kind of Xmas tree allergy) and I got a prescription eyedrop to help. When I put them in my eye it HELLA STUNG and when I looked at the bottle it said it was nose drops. I freaked out and called the pharmacy (a chain that I won’t name) and the pharmacist told me not to worry because it was a sterile solution. I was still freaking out so I went back and she gave me the eye version and said that it’s the same thing only I guess for noses it’s a different strength? Anyway, this could shed light on the Afrin situation so I dunno maybe look on Reddit.

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Apr 19, 2023Liked by Caissie St.Onge

SO glad my girls are back! I’ve missed my sisters on the podcast waves. Y’all are my weekly therapy and I am so happy your back! Dentists can be intimidating I get it.

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Apr 19, 2023Liked by Caissie St.Onge

Caissie! I actually use Upneeq and it really works! I ordered a box and only use it for special occasions. I made one $200 box last an entire year and recently refilled my prescription. You absolutely don't need to use it every day and can make the prescription last quite long. It comes in individual doses that have plenty of product in them so you don't need to worry about spillage/wasting the product. I use it for a slight hood over my eyes and like I said, it opens up my eyes and really works! I have very sensitive eyes and it doesn't make them feel weird or irritate them at all. For me, it lasts about 6-8 hours. You do need to get a prescription, but I did it all online via a questionnaire and a couple photos @ https://www.skinbyblair.com. TRY IT!!

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Apr 19, 2023Liked by Caissie St.Onge

If you do try it... I'm also bad at eye drops and recently learned a new trick!

Lay down, with eyes closed drop the liquid into the inner corner of your eye and them open them. All of the liquid flows right in!

My friend who showed me was agog at me not knowing this and wondered if I had been torturing my kids by making them keep their eyes open when they needed any eyedrops... oops! guess I was! lol

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I do this trick but somehow still make it roll down my face. I blame my very thick eyelids! 🤣

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Apr 19, 2023Liked by Caissie St.Onge

The bit about birthday parties made me laugh. I brought my son to a birthday party last Saturday and was dismayed to see all the moms (where are the dads? Oh right, we know) sticking around. I couldn’t be “that mom,” so I stayed too! Oh well, one day my kid won’t want me to stay and I’ll be sad about that, so... 🤷‍♀️

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Apr 19, 2023Liked by Caissie St.Onge

It was good to hear your voices again. I'd missed them but I also understand that you two are busy (no pun intended). Busy is is working and that's good and Caissie is busy dealing with the stuff you have to deal with when someone passes away and while that's hard its something we have to do. It sounds like you have the right help to get that done and that's good. I continue to keep good thoughts for both of you.

A couple of comments. First Caissie don't spray nasal spray into your eyes. I agree that it probably won't cause permanent damage but it could cause bad irritation. If it was ok to put it in your eyes, the bottles would say something like "eye and nasal spray". Besides you don't want to be that person at the urgent care explaining why you sprayed nasal spray in your eyes on purpose. It's just not a good look. Also, if you give it a minute some group of kids trying to be famous will do it as some kind of trend on TicToc and you can see how it affects them. Second. Busy, chicken or not get Birdie or Cricket to go with you to hold your hand and visit the dentist about your receding gums. I deal with this issue also and its always better to check. Just some things I've picked up. It's not about how many times you floss, it's about flossing correctly. If you're flossing incorrectly you can actually cause your gums to recede. Also you are right to worry about brushing too hard. That's bad. Use a soft brush and brush softly. You don't need to apply a lot of pressure. Easy does it. While most of is don't enjoy visiting the dentist office it does help to find the right one. But visiting the dentist will put you on the right track. I actually asked them to teach me how to floss correctly. Sure I had to swallow some pride but i have healthier teeth and gums. Second buy the right toothbrush. Everybody has a different threshold for what they'll willing to spend on this but I bought an electric one with multiple settings and sensors. I have sensitive teeth, so i can set it to a sensitive setting to help me not brush too hard. If i apply too much pressure, a red light comes on until I reduce the pressure. How do I know if I've brushed an area long enough? A green light comes on to let me know. If i brush for the minimum recommended time of 2 minutes, my toothbrush rewards me with a smiley face. If I brush for less than 2 minutes the smile becomes more and more skeptical until I get down to a minute or less and then I get a frowny face that makes me feel guilty. There's also an app that I could use, but let's face it, there're only so much crap I'll take from a toothbrush. Probably the hardest thing I had to learn was to not rinse after brushing. Think about it. For decades we watch people brush on tv and when they're done they take a mouthful of water, swish it around in their mouth and spit. When our parents taught is to brush, when we were done they gave us a cup of water so we could take a sip, swish it around and spit. Turns out thats not the best choice. Why? I'll tell you. I use a toothpaste that helps to strengthen my tooth enamel and encourage gum repair. So while I brush, the stuff in the toothpaste that does that is applied to my teeth and gums. If I then take a mouthful of water, swish it around in my mouth and spit it out, what I'm effectively spitting out is all the good stuff that I paid extra for in the the toothpaste and just applied. Instead I just wipe off the outside of my mouth and don't rinse. Gotta keep the good stuff in. Bottom line though is go to the dentist, ask good questions and follow that advice.

On a substack chat related note, thanks to everyone who gave me advice about my towels. I think I have a good plan to make them more absorbent again and I appreciate all the leads for laundry sheets so that I can have clean stuff and use less plastic!

Keep doing your best every one. Do your best to spread kindness when you can. Love you all.

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Random request- can you interview busy about Hoffman center / process if y’all are comfortable with that. Super interested / interesting and want to hear more!!!! (Also, as a Chinese medicine person- it’s liver season so we are all getting spicy/ fighting more than usual rn!!!) thanks for finding time for an episode yall 💜💜

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We did do an episode that was very Hoffman-focused when she returned, but I think she’s not really supposed to talk about it too much? 🤣

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Hahahaha that checks out

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Apr 19, 2023·edited Apr 19, 2023Liked by Caissie St.Onge

I didn't realize just how much I've come to rely on weekly episodes until I started this one and hearing your voices gave me an immediate boost of comfort and happiness :)

And re: Busy's gum concerns, I'm actually in week 2 of recovering from a gum graft right now! (Which, if you don't know, is like a skin graft but inside your mouth! And it's exactly as gross as it sounds! lol) I was dreading it, but the pain really hasn't been as bad as everyone told me it would be. It's mostly just a lot of aftercare instructions and dietary restrictions that get to be annoying. I will credit my dental surgeon with making it as stress and pain free as possible though. She's been amazing, so shopping around to find the right doctor really makes all the difference.

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Apr 19, 2023Liked by Caissie St.Onge

Happy to have you both back in my ears and am glad the whale watch is set. Hope it’s very meaningful in the ways you hope. Sending love. 💛✨

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Apr 19, 2023Liked by Caissie St.Onge

My grandma had that stove, and I loved it when I visited her as a kid. Her kitchen was TINY, so it was a great fit to make it easier to walk in the kitchen when you weren’t cooking.

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Apr 19, 2023Liked by Caissie St.Onge

Loved the pod today. I was screaming at the part about the furniture knobs from the Palm Springs motel as I got pregnant there in 2016 when it was Ruby Montana’s Coral Sands! Her story is equally fun. This place is so magical and witchy. Caissie, I hope you get the knobs you want! I also really resonated with Busy’s backslide into lashing at people when worn thin. I have spent the last two years trying to change that behavior pattern and it’s so damn hard but trying is progress!

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Apr 19, 2023Liked by Caissie St.Onge

Yay! I’ve missed not having new episodes. I mean, Literally with Rob Lowe is charming and all, but it’s not Busy and Caissey!

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Apr 19, 2023Liked by Caissie St.Onge

Crap. Spelling is hard! Sorry @Caissie!

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