We’ve got a new podcast episode right here! Busy talks about the thing she meant to post only to close friends on Instagram, but posted to everyone & wound up getting in the rags. I talk about a surprise menopause symptom that I had literally never heard of until it happened to me. And our guest is artist, author, Tarot & Oracle creator, Marcella Kroll, talking about using your gifts. Gina’s paw also made a Cameo, as you can see in this behind-the-scenes peek!
As always, please use this space as an episode discussion thread. Or discuss whatever you want! Have you ever had a great Tarot reading? Do you ever feel like you have extra intuition, or think about trying to develop your powers of perception? Is the sky orange and apocalyptic where you live because of climate change? Are you okay? Did your kids get mad at your for anything this week? Have you ever made a li’l social media boo boo? WE WANNA KNOW ABOUT IT!
Caissie, thank you for sharing your cold sweats with us...us women need to be talking openly more about perimenopause and menopause, as it seems to be such a dreaded rollercoaster that we need to better understand to not feel so terrified. Ugh I cannot believe I am in the early stages of it, I do NOT approve of this change, but I'm trying to embrace it 😔 Also, don't approve of the orange sky here in NY, but hanging on, and praying for our 🌎
Thanks to this pod, I finally listened to my body and am getting my chronic sinus issues investigated! I’ve tolerated the discomfort for over a year but it took bronchitis a couple of months ago to even bring them up to my doctor. I got an ENT referral but they couldn’t schedule me until September (?!) so I had the confidence to pressure the scheduling lady into getting me in earlier. Got a CT scan yesterday and the depths of my sinuses are severely blocked (even though it actually doesn’t feel that bad right now - I wonder how much pain I’m actually tolerating!!) Anyway, I probably wouldn’t have pursued any of this if it wasn’t for all of the podcast talk about getting things checked out ❤️
Also, in relation to this week’s pod, I almost deleted this post several times because I am that person who over analyzes what I post/text - who would care about what I have to say? Ugh I hate it...