Cassie - We were posted in Fiji for my husband's job for a few years. There's a line of the most delicious body care products called Pure Fiji. When we first arrived we ended living in a hotel for two weeks before our housing was ready. When we did weekends away outside the capital (no beaches there), I always loved it when there was Pure Fiji for the bathroom toiletries. I squirreled away a bunch of soaps and lotions. The soaps come in handmade paper the absorb the scents. I will totally keep that empty packaging for a few weeks until the smell is gone and every time I go into the bathroom take a big deep breath in....takes me back to so many memories!! (I bet you can get some in the LAX airport....).

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Caisse! I have a candle from the Anthropologie clearance table from about 10 years ago that I’ve never lit because it reminded me of my Grandpa’s aftershave. Whenever I’d smell it, I was transported back to small town Winter, Wisconsin listening to him tell stories while drinking a Manhattan. YOU ARE SEEN.

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Being Australian, I had never once before heard of P-22!

I was very interested to hear both of your thoughts about the H&M doco. I'm still unsure if I'll take the time to watch it, I have a lot on my watch list atm

The candle story was everything!!! Love you back! x

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One of the things I love about this podcast is it makes me remember things. Maybe not always good, often embarrassing, but memories are memories. Have to fess up. Back in the my college days, I was one of those guys who wore the Brut cologne and used the Brut deodorant and while I thought it was fine, I'm sure it wasn't. Those were the days before I understood things like primary tones and lower tones and the later tones that scents have and that can combine with your natural self into an odor that is not always something good. I can still remember when I finally found an article that explained all of this and I had to throw out a lot of stuff that didn't work well with me had to do the research to find something that did. Eventually I narrowed down my choices to one, Polo in the green bottle. That was it. It's the only scent that I can use that doesn't make me stink later. Why did this make me laugh during the podcast? Well, it all goes back to my mom again. Mom and I graduated college just a couple of weeks apart. I went on to work first for the US Steel Corporation and later for the Naval Nuclear Laboratory. Mom went on to be a math teacher. So when I'd visit at the right time of the year, she'd have me come and talk to her students to give them the talk of the importance of getting an education and the things it could lead to. Now before anyone gets their feathers ruffled, I include going to a good trade school and going through a union apprenticeship program as part of getting a good education. College isn't for everyone, and there are good paying jobs out there for the people who I envy because they can figure out how mechanical things work. Anyway, I remember the first time I went to the school where mom worked. I walked into the classroom and walked right into a wall of Axe Body Spray. i mean holy smokes, it was an eye watering experience and I'm sure it was the same back in my Brut use days. But I got through it and hopefully those young men found the same articles I did and are now more pleasant smelling. But I'm sure things haven't changed. Recently, I read an article that listed tweets that teachers had posted on what they'd like for Christmas and more than once, one of them wished for an entire week when all their students wore deodorant the entire time. The more things change, the more they stays the same.

It was also interesting listening to Busy and Caissie talk about how their parents at first didn't understand what they did in the television industry. I worked for the Naval Nuclear program. And about all my parents knew was that I supported the navy. I was never able to tell them just what I did and if they were still here, I still would not be able to.

Happy Holidays, everyone. Stay warm as the bomb cyclone passes over you As I type this it's 1 degree F in Pittsburgh with a windchill of 23 below zero. Geez, if I wanted temperatures like this, I could have stayed in Idaho Falls.

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OK - you really breezed right past this but can we follow up on the yellow nose liquid incident? That happened to me about 8 years ago (I'll never forget) and then happened again a few months ago. The first time I was blow drying my hair- head upside down. Second time was about 90m after getting off a plane (on the Brooklyn Bridge going home from JFK ... will. never. forget). The internet doesn't know what it is. Both times I had recently gotten over a sinus infection. So that's obviously related I guess. But WHY does no one talk about this?!?!

(love the podcast. thank you. it gets me through my walk to work.)

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Sorry to be late to the party (as usual), but I’ve had a disgusting amount of experience with this. Imagine your sinuses like a maze in your head. But the passages aren’t necessarily uniform. Some might even be blocked from past sinus infections or a fracture from when you were in gymnastics in middle school. That gross liquid can be from allergies, a cold, the flu or from when you did nasal irrigation days ago. It’s like you moved your head just the right/wrong way and the liquid is released. It’s like those little puzzle mazes with tiny balls that you might have gotten in a goodie bag when you were six. You might even be like me-- I have two extra sinus cavities! Discovered during surgery. So, if you have had this gross experience, next time you have a cold or do nasal irrigation, tip your head every which way! Have a tissue ready. At least that gross crud is coming out of your head! Lol.

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So does celery juice NOT taste like dirt on the west coast?! I just thought that was how it tastes and people sucked it up for the sake of some sort of health benefit. It didn’t seem worth it to me, haha

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Oh and Caissie if you’re actually struggling to find vyvanse or adderall I have a pharmacy in Glendale that has them! (I’m almost hesitant to share in case they run out next!) but happy to help if you do!

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Awww I just listened to Caissie making the point that sometimes in death people give more compassion to animals than people and wooooow. Accurate! I remember when I was 11 and my family dog had to be put down and we had a long discussion at the dinner table that night about why we don’t do that for humans. I have always thought it’s so wild that we give our pets the respect and love to end their suffering but it’s still so hotly debated and questioned to do the same for humans. 💙💙💙

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I’m binging the Harry and Meghan show now! My husband is half Brit and my MIL full and lives there now. It’s made for interesting family conversations for sure because I feel I am getting a bit of the “inside scoop”!

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Me too! I had 0 interest in it until I heard Cassie and Busy talk about it

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Funnily I am a big candle fan AND a person who gets migraines. Apparently a rare combo that. (Goes without saying scent isn’t what triggers my migraines). I ADORE candles! I’m an addict for the 3 wicks candles from Bath and Body Works. I moved to the UK about 5 years ago and have had my brother and mom send me candles yearly. But guess what?! Bath and Body Works is carried in Next now! (That sentence sounded like an advert). But truly when I was walking around in the mall and saw the Bath and Body Work sign I thought I was going crazy. Had to track down a Next employee to be like “please explain if this is real”. And it’s real! The selection is way smaller and less seasonal, but something is better than nothing! So I can’t think of a better place to share my joy about that than here!

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Hi, this is my first time posting here. i love the podcast. Hi to everyone

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I actually just got my first prescription filled at Mark Cuban Cost Plus Drugs and it was a great experience. I heard a few horror stories of it taking forever/people not getting their drugs but my doctor sent over the prescription, I got an email to pay for it and it was shipped within a few days. I was paying $25 a month which I realize isn't bad, but now I can get 90 days for around $28. I'm planning to switch everything I can. Of course they don't have Vyvanse which I also take - loved hearing the ADHD discussion. It's all so true!

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I’d been hoping to hear the Busy & Caissie take on Harry & Meghan! I’ve been obsessed with the doc all week. Happy Holidays everyone ❤️

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Ok, so, I'm not really a candle person as strong scents also tend to give me migraines. BUT, I do have a scent I love almost as much as your GAP Holiday Candle obsession that may be a little unorthodox, but we are all friends here...Play-Doh! I loved the smell of it so much as a kid, that I even made the mistake of popping a piece in my mouth (regret set in instantly). My husband got a pack of Play-Doh for me one Christmas, and whenever I need a hint of nostalgia, I crack one of those puppies open and take a good sniff. :D So, I understand where you are coming from, Caissie! Some smells are just THAT good. haha. Hope everyone has Happy Holidays!

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The entire episode is gold! I appreciate all of the meandering and deep to light topics. Oh how you’ve kept me company and not feeling alone during this hell of a time.

The candle convo had me cracking up! I am a candle sniffer… but not burner 🤷🏼‍♀️ I’ll smell any candle and all down the store aisles… but don’t want to buy them and burn them. We contain multitudes 😆

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Okay I was JUST thinking I’d like to hear Busy talk about her experience with ADHD. I was diagnosed a year ago at 38 and it took a full year and 3 psychiatrists til I found someone who was willing to take my diagnosis (I got a proper diagnosis from a psychologist) to take me seriously and medicate me properly. Once I found out I have it my ENTIRE life makes sense now. I too have been misdiagnosed with GAD and MDD, which are symptoms of ADHD, but SSRI’s and other medication routes have never worked well on me. It’s been hell, honestly. The shame and worthlessness Busy talked about is SO real. Thankful to have be where I’m at now but it wasn’t easy getting here. And I completely think if it was a slew of men getting late in life diagnosis the shortage wouldn’t be happening 🤷🏻‍♀️ sharing to say, if you are on this journey and having trouble, keep advocating for yourself!! It’s the only way, unfortunately. loved the ep, Busy and Cassie got me through the arduous task of packing and try to rush to my mom’s house to beat the horrific storm we’re getting. Love to you all!

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Caissie...I have to tell you I am a candle sniffer too! I regularly pick up my favorite candles in the house and smell them when they aren't lit. You are not alone🤣

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Same! Certain smells are very soothing to me and I think I’m just one of the people whose sensory input for smells is very soothing. Maybe like how sounds and music is for Busy, we are smell people.

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I was actually crying laughing because I am exaaaactly the same. I have half empty jars littered around my office, bedroom and living room that I will totally just huff for inspiritu!! However, the smudged face!! Caissie, had me DYING!! 😂 🤣

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Happy Holidays to everyone! Loved this episode. See you all next year :)

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