Feb 27Liked by Caissie St.Onge

Okay I'm halfway through and maybe you will get to it, but is the game 2048?? I was also obsessed and sometimes still play on the plane (Delta has it on their TVs).

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Feb 25Liked by Caissie St.Onge

In the episode you discussed things that help with phone addiction, like turning your phone black and white.

Something that has helped me immensely is the Digital Wellness settings on my Android phone. I'm sure Apple has an equivalent.

I gave myself a 45 minute a day timer on the apps I was scrolling the most: Instagram and Facebook. After that time, the app will grey out and won't let me use until the next day. It has helped me so much.

Do I sometimes cheat and reset the timer to give myself more time? Only occasionally, especially after I make a new reel and want to see if I got views, comments, and likes. Most days, I stick to my time limits a day.

I also use the Digital Wellness to help block out my work app (Class Dojo) from 6:00 PM - 6:00 AM. This helps me to keep my work/life boundary and the office hours I communicated at the beginning of the year.

I can't speak highly enough about how much the Digital Wellness settings have helped me in this area.

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Feb 24Liked by Caissie St.Onge

Miss Caissie may I please ask you to tell me about the 2 insta accounts you mentioned on the pod this week? (Re: Target new items and TJ flower arranging)

Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us in all of the ways!

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Feb 24Liked by Caissie St.Onge

I read the article about the woman who was scammed and was shocked by how wild it was. I work at a bank and unfortunately see scams so frequently. It’s difficult to see all the red flags when it’s happening to you. It’s so important to share these stories to educate others to stop it from continuing to happen.

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Feb 22Liked by Caissie St.Onge

Listened to the pod yesterday and Apple News suggested a story from last week about the Dana Point homes that Caissie was talking about! I didn't even look it up.

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Feb 22Liked by Caissie St.Onge

Wow, listening to this while I organize my Girl Scout cookies and prepare for my 3 cookie booths this weekend… Thank you, Busy, for supporting Girl Scouts! It’s so much work for volunteers and girls. Fun fact: we use our cookie money for a fun activity and charitable donations. We have supported the St. Louis area food bank, Youth in Need, a local wolf sanctuary, and animal rescue group. The girls vote on their charity of choice so they really learn about giving back. We even volunteer at the food bank and it’s really fun!

So just know those cookies support local councils, fun for girls, and charities too. 🍪 End of cookie mom soapbox. 🫡

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Feb 22Liked by Caissie St.Onge

Anybody else screaming “designed obsolescence!” in your car during the washer/dryer discussion? No, Just me? Haha 😂 you’re not crazy, it’s a legit business model and it’s BS. Recommend the book, “Made to Break” about this capitalist concept. There have been some efforts to curb this through the right to repair bills, but the companies absolutely want you to do the math and throw out the old for the new instead of fixing what’s broken - it’s part of the model! Anyway, support your Congresspeoples’ efforts to pass right to repair legislation!

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