I usually don’t like reading the explanations that people write on their recipes, but this was THE BEST!! Trying this Saturday!!

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Making this now! Even found the celery root 🤞

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I am currently making this (using parsnips instead of celeriac because I couldn't find that) and I'm sure it's gonna be amazing, BUT!

I was telling my husband that I liked your idea of not processing the raw squash because less chance of getting gross squash hands, and he asked what I mean and today I learned that it doesn't happen to everyone that your skin gets weird after cutting up squash and I have an allergy. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

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Whoa. Just made it. Whoa!

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I have made my share of squash soup in the past, but THIS indeed seems special. Canadian Thanksgiving is next weekend and this will be perfect for a pre-turkey cup…or a bowl in lieu of a turkey for my vegetarian daughter. Yummm.

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Best f*cking butternut squash soup! I just finished making it all vegan and it is amazing! Damn! It’s creamy and delicious!

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I wrote the boring version of this recipe because the newsletter version is too entertaining for me to use to actually make soup. I'm going to make it this weekend and wrote a note to myself that I should also come back and read the real version whenever I cook this.

The Best F*cking Butternut Squash Soup

By Caissie St. Onge and Matt


Butter or olive oil for sautéing

2 carrots

1 large onion (white or yellow preferred)

1 leek, cleaned and de-sanded

1 clove of garlic

2 medium butternut squashes (3 to 6 pounds total)

1 celeriac root

2 quarts of stock

3 Tablespoons dry sherry (real drinking sherry preferred)

1 cup of heavy cream


-Cut squashes in half and remove the seeds (optional—these can be removed after roasting). Place on cookie sheets cut-side up and brush them with oil or melted butter and sprinkle them with salt! Roast at 450 until the flesh is tender and pierced easily with a fork or knife.

-Finely chop carrots, onion, garlic and leek and sauté in oil or butter or a combination until soft. Be careful not to burn.

-Heat stock in a large pan to simmer.

-Clean and peel celeriac root. Simmer in warm stock. When celeriac is soft and easily pierced with a knife, add the sauteed onion mixture. Hold at a low simmer.

-When squashes are roasted and soft, scoop out the flesh and add it to the stock pot. Add sherry. Bring to a boil and boil for one minute, then reduce heat and simmer for about 20 minutes.

-Remove from heat, cover, and allow to cool. Once cool, blend using an immersion blender, or in smaller batches in a blender until fully pureed. Add heavy cream. Add salt and white pepper to taste.

Serve immediately or save to reheat fully later.

Recommended garnishes:

Satueed wild mushrooms, truffle oil drizzle, cream or sour cream and chopped chives, fried sage leaves, freshly popped popcorn.

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update: I've made this 3 times since this post. Thanks, Caissie!

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PLEASE CONSIDER WRITING A COOKBOOK!! I might not even cook anything from it (my hubs does most of that and is much better at than I) but I would definitely read it!!

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I made this on Saturday. It was delicious--thank you Caissie! However, I went to 4 stores and could not find celeriac (celery) root. I asked every employee and they looked too and no luck! I also couldn’t find real sherry and I looked everywhere. The stores I went to have apps and I looked both items up in that and they don’t sell it. I’m hoping in October (which is apparently celery root season) I can find it and make it again. But even without it, it was heavenly. I added crumbled thick cut bacon, which I cooked in the oven after the squash was done (and lowered the temp), and it was a wonderful addition. I brought a container of it to work to share with a friend who also loves butternut squash soup.

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Cassie, all recipes should be written like yours! Can't wait to try the soup but just reading the recipe was a joy!! Thank you for this because it made me smile on a day that I needed it!!

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As a vegan, this looks like the best effing butternut squash recipe, and I'm going to try to make it and freeze it. I may even sip some sherry while I do. Thank you, Caissie!

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So, for 36 years, I hated pumpkin. Even as a baby, mum says I would spit it out. Then I became a vegetarian. And you know every restaurant where veggie options are an afterthought because it’s usually pumpkin something. So learned to love it. Then one day a few weeks ago, I wasn’t feeling well so had some pumpkin soup. Turns out I wasn’t well because I had gotten food poisoning from something else earlier in the day. So needless to say, I can no longer bare the smell of pumpkin. We had 8 good years my gourdy friend.

Side note - I will switch out the pumpkin for potato because potato and leek soup is also fucking delicious

Side note 2 - IMO, not enough recipes liberally use “bitches” in the instructions

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I loooooove your writing, Caissie! You even make recipes entertaining. :)

This sounds pretty f*cking good and I'm looking forward to trying it. While I will likely use butternut squash, I wonder how it would be with pie pumpkins instead though. My bnut squash didn't grow in the garden this year, but I have several pie pumpkins. Maybe I'll experiment this fall. Also, I've never bought/used celeriac root. I'm excited for a new experience!

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Caissie, If you ever want to write a cookbook with me, hit me up (not joking, maybe joking a little but probably not).

Love the recipe! I'm so glad you posted it because I was literally going to the podcast substack post to say "please post the soup recipe"!

I really like the idea of roasting the squash (basically) whole and then scooping the flesh out of the skin. I cook every day & one of my least favorite cooking "Tasks" is peeling winter squash. They leave a weird fucking film on your hands and it is THE WORST.

I would say that the ingredients are very similar to my own butternut squash soup/winter squash soup, the only major difference with mine is I put chopped peeled apple into my mix (boil it with the other veg & purée everything), it adds a hint of sweetness without having to add sugar (and helps in case one of your other veggies isn't particularly sweet that day). I am going to make your version ASAP (or as soon as it becomes soup weather... hello another heatwave this weekend in Los Angeles). xo

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I have never read a better recipe in my life! Autumn is some time off for me down here, but I’ll definitely be making this regardless x

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Caissie, I love your writing so much! Such a great pick-me-up every time! 🙌🏻🥰

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